Incredible Experience of RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block

RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block gives an incredible experience of cooking. As it adds a unique flavor to the food and makes the food nutritious. Because RFS Tradings Pink Salt has 84 plus essential minerals which impart while seasoning or cooking on salt block. We will now dig into how to use RFS Tradings salt cooking block:

How to use RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block?

A RFS Tradings salt cooking block, also known as a RFS Tradings salt Cooking plate, is an excellent alternative way for quickly grilling meats and vegetables. As well as these salt cooking blocks are good for a cold serving platter for fresh fruit, sushi, cheeses, desserts, or ice cream.

Salt Cooking Plate

The use of RFS Tradings salt cooking plate is very simple to learn and can be performed with a little study, preparation, and patience. Here are some steps to follow.

Heating RFS Tradings Salt Block Slowly

Heat your RFS Tradings salt cooking block gently in increments over a burner. This is done to avoid abrupt temperature changes from causing the salt cooking block to fracture or shatter. We are seeking a consistent temperature at which to cook and even serve our prepared meals.

Step 1: Place the salt cooking block on a gas stovetop on low heat for about 15 minutes to warm up.

  • If you are using a grill, utilize indirect heat and keep the salt block away from direct flames.
  • If you do not have a gas burner, you may heat the salt cooking block in the oven by placing it on a metal baking pan. Using oven mitts, you can conveniently move the salt block this way.

Step 2: Increase the heat to medium and wait 15 minutes for the temperature of the salt block to rise.

Step 3: Finally, turn up the heat to high for at least another 15 minutes.

When will the RFS Tradings Salt Cooking Block be ready to cook on?

thermometer for salt cooking block

The temperature of the completely heated salt cooking block should be between 425 and 500 degrees Fahrenheit. An infrared or laser thermometer is the best technique to determine the temperature of your salt cooking block. Don’t worry if you don’t have one. Alternatively, a few droplets of water can be sprayed onto the salt cooking block. It should immediately sizzle and dry.

Meats that are ideal for cooking on a RFS Tradings salt block

Any rapid fried or soft cut of beef, pig, or fish works nicely (make careful to season and cover your meat/fish with cooking oil and/or vinaigrette):

  • Ribeye steak
  • Striploin/New York Strip steak
  • Porkchops (be sure to marinate in oil and vinaigrette and seasoning)
  • Salmon, with or without skin (lightly oiled and seasoned)
  • scallops (oiled and seasoned)
  • Shrimp (coated in oil and vinaigrette, and seasoned)

Is it Worth It to Cook on a Salt Cooking Block?

Opinions differ on whether it’s worth cooking on a salt block because it takes some prep work and patience to heat them up before cooking. Cleaning is another sensitive duty.
One thing is certain: serving a sizzling hot platter of grilled meats or vegetables is thrilling, and your guests will be wowed by the presentation.

This blog was originally published on on January 31,2023.


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